Friday, March 20, 2009

Gardeing #2: Seedlings, Cover Crops, and Compost

Getting excited for spring as the days get longer and my attention span at work gets shorter (these are most certainly inversely related). My garlic came up already and was looking good as I was relocating my compost pile last night (at left).

I've been thinking about how to diminish weed growth in the garden without using weed barrier. Organic Gardening Magazine advocates the use of cover crops for many reasons, but they can also be used between flowers and vegetables if done right. Here are the benefits.

This article advises to plant cover crops after your veggies and flowers are at least 1/3 of the way through their growth cycle so that your green lovelies aren't out-competed by quick growing buckwheat or clover. The article also states the cover crop needs to eventually be mowed and then killed. Hmmm, I bet some goats could help with that (someday...).

Check out the progress of my seedlings:

Lettuce (weeks 1, 2, and 3)

(weeks 2, and 3)

(weeks 1 and 2)

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good, Tweesa! I should send you some photos of Karrie's hydroponic lettuce garden in my south window. It's so nice having growing things close by! And we've harvested it a couple of times. I planted some more in one pot, and they're doing well. I want more arugula though. Love, Mom
