Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Garden

Sure sign of a healthy, happy garden is Lady Love. This plant was filled with them, presumably because there was an aphid population blossoming there.

We've had lots of rain lately- good news for newly planted seeds and young plants. Unfortunately, the rain has been interspersed with hail, not such good news for the above said.

Luckily for this Amish Pie Pumpkin, the hail must have missed the small leaves and done little damage.

Enough chatter. I'm off to read the newest edition of Organic Gardening...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Microgarden Math

There are some spaces in between that are fine left plain, but my poor-woman's quest for green this year has brought my attention formulas that can be applied in innovative, unpredictable ways.

For instance, the use of this equation this spring has become a theme:

J + P= :)

, where J= Junk and p= plants.

The opportunities for serendipitous encounters increase exponentially when you randomize your experiences. For instance, instead of driving to work, riding alleys, taking a new route every day exposes me to the amazing things that people throw away. I get inspired, bring them home, and plug them into the evolving green mass of my garden.

Fortunately, I live with another "crap" aficionado that appreciates well made old things and jives with my probability theories. Histalented sister provided the idea for this bike basket garden, and we put it to use this year.

Another useful equation:

M/(N + C)=( -W) + P

, where M=mulch
W= Weeds

Newspaper and cardboard layered under mulch created a path we can stroll through the garden on and is doing wonders as a weed barrier. We'll leave it in all winter and plow it in next spring to provide organic material for the soil.

Who says I'm not using my $25,000 college degree?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Gardening #5: Planning, Documentation, and My Clever Sister

For how much I dig gardening (ha), I've never been very scientific about it. Since I'm a "trained scientist", this is a little surprising. However, my clever sister Karrie has provided the inspiration to get me kick started (check out that block wood print beet on the cover by Karrie!).

This gardening journal has been great- next year I'll be able to sit back and not make the same mistakes I've made year after year.

Like trying to grow Brandywine tomatoes in Durango's short growing season. Yup, I did it again this year, and I'm gonna end up with a hoarded stash of green tomatoes again come late August.

This journal has already helped the organization and planning process. My niece Kate helped me illustrate the garden plan this year.

I also discovered my ultimate dream social networking site: MyFolia. Check out the two gardens I've uploaded so far: http://myfolia.com/gardener/TSteely

Spring Seeps in the Mountains

This is on the North Side of Wolf Creek Pass at one of my favorite camp sites:

99% Free and Recycled Garden

Finishing up the mulching and landscaping on this plot, I realized that it is composed of 99.9% recycled materials and the only thing that is new and cost money were the strawberry and speedwell plants.

It is easy to get resourceful when you lack financial stimulation.
Here are where my materials came from:

Flagstone: Neighbor's yard. Who needs permission when it is just laying there? (Naw, I did ask).

Mulch: Local housing development's party for marketing their homes. I skipped the Open House and hot dogs, but motivated (in the rain) to borrow a truck and grab a load (thank you Dane!).

Newspaper Weed Barrier (under mulch): Raided from the Durango Herald's overflowing recycle can AND it was that day's paper. We read 217 copies while working.

Kiddy Pool: (for the dogs to cool their dogs) OK, I bought this new, but it was two years ago. I'm going to drill a hole in the bottom for a drain plug to do my part in combating West Nile Virus.

Plants: Thinned and transported from Paonia friends last year. Poppies, Phlox, catnip, and this year's garlic curtesy of Denise and Bob, Maggie (unbeknownst to her), and Purple Haze Garlic.

Lawn Furniture: Comandered when the boyfriend moved in two weeks ago (scored, in so many ways).

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Quick Garden Update

So much time, so little to do...

Mom asked me why I'm taking pictures in the dark. Well, that is the only time I have to garden these days.

Off to get a load of mulch in the rain!