Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bike Wheels for Garden Deals

Just another product of the love affair between a green thumb and bike wrench...

Scott has lots of extra ruined bike wheels at work and it turns out they are fairly useful as garden "frames".

Behold the newly designed bean tent frame! I ran big wood screw through the axle hole in this wheel and drilled it into the top of a closet rod. Beans are just about to grab on to the twine that is strung through the spokes now.

Also, dig on the tomato cages a la cycle parts. These lovelies are now fully supported and ready to climb.

These wheels were landfill-bound, but we sprayed the black ones green (so they wouldn't absorb too much heat and burn the plants), and with some inexpensive wood and leftover chicken wire, we put them back to work.

And we can't forget the bike wheel turned Frank Lloyd Wright-style plant hanger that Scott came up with for our front porch. These are drilled into a vertical beam (on the left) through the spoke holes.

More junk turned funk in the garden!


  1. Way to use discarded bike parts! We've got a few wheels, so thanks for the idea fertilizer!

  2. Very cool! I love the recycling angle of your gardening!

  3. you're so fortunate to have Scott share your enthusiasm and creativity for gardening. Keep those wheels turning!!
