1.) Only knit if you are a passenger. I hope this one is for obvious reasons.
2.) Look up once in awhile. Momma always said to stop and smell the flowers, and traveling ain't fun unless you can take in the scenery.
3.) Stop knitting on winding stretches of road. These portions of the trip are often the best to offer to take a turn at the wheel (which often helps me if I'm feeling at all sick).
4.) Stitch and Bitch. Carry on a conversation or listen to music. It helps keep me distracted from motion sickness, which I think could be 80% mental (if you don't think you feel sick, you can actually convince yourself you aren't- at least for awhile).
I finished this pattern for fingerless gloves on the way to a holiday rendezvous. These were a present for my niece Katie. Because I had to start over a few times and didn't want to undo my stitches, I just started another pair. I'm almost finished with that second pair now.
Next was a sweater vest. I worked on this mostly in the airport on a trip to see my nephews. Not your typical sweater vest- this one has a scoop neck design and a rib that took a long time. It is the biggest project I've done in years and much of it was done off the ground.
I actually had someone ask me if I was from Europe in the airport because they couldn't believe anyone from the US still knit.
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