For how much I dig gardening (ha), I've never been very scientific about it. Since I'm a "trained scientist", this is a little surprising. However, my clever sister Karrie has provided the inspiration to get me kick started (check out that block wood print beet on the cover by Karrie!).

This gardening journal has been great- next year I'll be able to sit back and not make the same mistakes I've made year after year.
Like trying to grow Brandywine tomatoes in Durango's short growing season. Yup, I did it again this year, and I'm gonna end up with a hoarded stash of green tomatoes again come late August.

This journal has already helped the organization and planning process. My niece Kate helped me illustrate the garden plan this year.
I also discovered my ultimate dream social networking site: MyFolia. Check out the two gardens I've uploaded so far:
I'm glad that it is being put to good use. Now that I've gotten everyone else going, I better get with it with mine!