Friday, August 14, 2009

What to do with a Girl like Zucchini

August was Zucchini time. Better not blink or there will be one the size of your forearm on the plant. Here is what we did about it:

Freezing: Found this article. We'll see if it doesn't turn them to mush when I defrost them!

Canning: Since the cucumbers are getting a slow start, we'll see if we can't pickle zucchini instead.

Cooking: Zucchini Bread. Zucchini gratin. And my favorite, Grilled Zucchini.

Giving them away: Don't leave your car unlocked if you come around my house in August.

Apricot Yum

My family helped a neighbor harvest her apricot tree awhile back and in return she gave us a bucketful.

We quickly got to work on making them into jam. I made 3 batches and also dehydrated quite a few.

I always thought that making jam was a pain, but I watched Melinda Shishim doing it with cherries a few weeks ago. I've been jammin' away ever since.

Essentially the process is this when using Pomona's Pectin:

1. Clean and blanch the fruit for a minute or so. This makes it easy to pull the skins off and pit them quickly.
2. Add lime juice and calcium water, and put it on the stove
3. Mix pectin and honey or sugar in a separate bowl, and then add to the stewing jam
4. Bring the mixture to a boil and stir to make sure the pectin is dissolved
5. Transfer the liquid into sterilized jars, wipe around the edges to make sure the tops will seal and add the caps (not tightening too much).
6. Place jars in boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Add one minute for every 1000 feet in elevation
7. Allow the jars to cool. The jam congeals when it is completely cooled.

Pomona's Pectin requires much less sugar, making it a bit easier to swallow.

Thanks to my Mom for cooking with me last visit and the sista-in-law for inspiring me to jam this year!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Goats at the Fair

The County Fairgrounds, located conveniently across the street from my house, were the temporary home to GOATS this weekend for the La Plata County Fair.

There were some good lookin' nannys and kids, and I spoke to a guy who raises them- his kid took champion and first runner up with his goats. He said he knows a guy who is giving goats away right now- woe (and woa!) is me... my land lady would have a fit.

Also present were, chickens, pigs, cows (uck), sheep (eew) and an assortment of flashy fair rides.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cherry Tomato Woes

My Sweet 100s are looking a little peeked. Anyone have any ideas about what's up?

Tomato Blight?

Under watering?


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Busy Summer Pictures

Canning Beets

Family Visits

Potato Harvest

Biking again

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Harvest is ON

Starting to pull many things out of the garden, and before I give the excess away to the neighbors, I always weigh in my mind if I can preserve it or use it in some way. Here's what I got:

Kale: Cookin' it up with garlic, butter and breadcrumbs just like Grandma used to.

Beans: I picked and ate the first few Golden Bacau two days ago. Yum.

Zucchini: Slowly but surely it is coming out. We made fried squash blossoms stuffed with goat cheese for dinner tonight.

Potatoes: Duh. These little diggers keep forever, and besides, we eat them as fast as we pull them out.

Beets: Canned up and ready for the middle of winter.

Chard: And it just keeps coming...