I'm ready for some serious GHP (Goat Husbandry Particulars). Are you, or are you just browsing this to procrastinate some drab task at your desk job, Reader?
I've been studying this goat schematic to familiarize myself with goat body parts (and to put things off. Just like you):
Thank you PropArtGanda. I now know my goat, and also vaguely where to find its Escutcheon- you must look somewhere near the nether regions under the pin bone. Turns out the Escutcheon is also plumbing speak for a plate used to cover the gap between a penetrating pipe and the wall surface from which it protrudes. Hmm.
This one is from Oklahoma State University's Department of Animals Science:
Goats have Sharks. At least they do in Oklahoma. And demonic eyes.
Thurl is something new for me. This goat has a particularly churlish Thurl. Is that a curl on this girl's Thurl?
I found this little doozy on choosing a goat: Clear eyes, shiny coat and a healthy appetite are important. I must look for a "well attached udder" if I want milk.
This article also says they'll need their hooves trimmed once per month and I should keep more than one goat or they'll be lonely. I know I have never met a well-adjusted billy that was an only kid.
I'm not even going there this time, Reader. As you can imagine, delving into that topic deserves a whole blog unto itself. Look for it soon. I know you can't wait until the next monotonous moment at your job when you sink low enough to read about goat bloat.
Vegetarian Baked Stuffed Shells
2 weeks ago
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