I feel like we need to have a coming of age ceremony for her. She made it through chick-hood without succumbing to whatever one of her cohorts did. She made it through the night earlier this summer when another youngster was abducted and eaten by a fox.
By luck, pluck, or maybe even cluck, she grew up and now prances around the yard like she owns it. Come on over for chicken bat mitzvah next weekend.
We also just acquired two new pullets from a friend of our neighbors to replace the ones we lost. So the head count is:
- Stella, Silver Laced Wyandotte (pictured at left)
- Edna, Araucauna
- Prissy, White Leghorn
- Cora, California White (cross between White Leghorn and California Grey)
- Bernice (Bertie), Speckled Sussex
- Bob, Black Australorp